Sunday, 11 May 2014


I'm the world's smallest porpoise, up in the upper part of Mexico's Gulf of California do I live,
Rare, elusive, not discovered by humans until 1958, I wish my anonymity I did not have to disclose,
Even today, little is known by you, about me still, so to nothing can you me match. 

Close to shore in the Gulf's shallow waters will to you, a sight of me I give, 
But be prepared for me swimming away quickly, from any boat approaching too close,
The fishing industry has put me at threat, we often die after being caught in gillnets, as bycatch.

I've a large dark ring around my eyes, making them look bigger than they are,
Dark patches on my lips form a thin line from my mouth to pectoral fins.
My dorsal surface dark gray, sides pale gray and ventral surface white with long, light gray markings. 

I am the most endangered cetacean in all of the world, wide and far,
Less than 200 of my kind are left, its getting lonely to be one of me, its a kick in the shins,
Help in protective measures now, to cease my name being amongst the extinction rankings.

Sea Otter

I'm a marine mammal native to the coasts of the northern and eastern Ocean North Pacific, 
At up to 100 lbs I am of the heaviest of the members of the weasel family more random, 
But among the smallest of marine mammals within the ocean am I. 

Unlike most marine mammals, my insulation is an exceptionally thick coat of fur, a fashion specific,
If you were to feel me you would witness my fur is the densest in the animal kingdom,
Although i can walk on land, I much prefer to live my life mostly within the ocean, on the waves I lie.

I inhabit offshore environments, where I can dive to the sea floor to forage and prey,
Marine invertebrates such as sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans, and some species of fish,
My foraging and eating habits are noteworthy you'll find in several respects.

I use rocks to dislodge prey like urchins and to open shells, limiting kelp ecosystems going affray,
I am one of the few mammal species to use, like humans, tools to get food for our dish, 
Makes me, In most of ma living range, a keystone species, of that I'm assured ma bets.

Our numbers were once estimated, at almost a third of a million,
We conflicted with fisheries, over our prey species that were also, valued by humans as food,
Sadly between 1741 and 1911 we were hunted extensively for our fur, annihilation!

Our world population fell to 1,000–2,000 individuals living in a fraction of our historic dominion,
Conservation has helped us rebounding, in two-thirds of our former stage will you find a dude, 
Our recovery amongst humans is considered an important success in marine conservation.

But don't sit back just yet, we need much more of your help, 
Our numbers in the Aleutian Islands and California have recently declined,
For these reasons, my kind remain classified as an endangered species.