Sunday, 11 May 2014


I'm the world's smallest porpoise, up in the upper part of Mexico's Gulf of California do I live,
Rare, elusive, not discovered by humans until 1958, I wish my anonymity I did not have to disclose,
Even today, little is known by you, about me still, so to nothing can you me match. 

Close to shore in the Gulf's shallow waters will to you, a sight of me I give, 
But be prepared for me swimming away quickly, from any boat approaching too close,
The fishing industry has put me at threat, we often die after being caught in gillnets, as bycatch.

I've a large dark ring around my eyes, making them look bigger than they are,
Dark patches on my lips form a thin line from my mouth to pectoral fins.
My dorsal surface dark gray, sides pale gray and ventral surface white with long, light gray markings. 

I am the most endangered cetacean in all of the world, wide and far,
Less than 200 of my kind are left, its getting lonely to be one of me, its a kick in the shins,
Help in protective measures now, to cease my name being amongst the extinction rankings.

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