Saturday, 1 March 2014

Abbott's Duiker

I'm nocturnal and secretive , 
A Forest-dwelling small antelope,
In dense vegetation, I love to roam free.

A camera trap was used to at last,
Photograph me in the wild,
 In only two thousand and three.

I've rather a stocky body, 
With short, thick legs,
And a chunky neck, 

My glossy coat varies in colour, 
Dark chestnut-brown, black, lighter red on my belly and sides,
I ain't very tall, only standing twenty six inches off the deck.

My face is pale grey in colour,
I have a long distinctive tuft of reddish-brown hair,
sitting between my short, pointed horns.

You'll only find me in the forests and highlands of Tanzania,
Impacted by your hunting and habitat destruction,
You humans are being in our sides, such thorns!

You snare me, for my meat,
Encroach on my territory, through agriculture and logging,
Your activities have resulted in my extinction, in areas where I did once roam.

 My numbers, they are reducing at a pace,
So I kindly ask you to join now, the global conservation race,
Help me from my endangered plight and fight to save me my home.

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