Friday, 28 February 2014

Black Rhino

Killed like vermin, by European hunters were we,
Five or six killed in a day, for food or simple glee.
Our decline in population, at the hand of European settlers,
With guns they would choose to kill, and to so better us.
A further cost of the 20th century, colonization of Africa,
 Establishing farms and plantations, continuing a senseless slaughter.
. We are regarded as pests, and exterminated at all cost,
“DOOMED!” was the headline in 1961, due to the numbers of our loss.
 A result of man's folly, greed and wholesale neglect,
So please support our conservation effort, as your charity select.  
Help in the fight, to protect me and my kind,
For soon, there wont be any of us left around to find.

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