Friday, 28 February 2014

Javan Rhino

I am the most threatened of the five rhino species, 
in western Indonesia only 35 of us, remain now alive, 
In 2010 in Vietnam, the last of my kind was poached, 
my numbers now continue to disastrously dive.

 I'm dusky grey in colour, with a single horn of about 10 inches, 
my skin is loosely folded like plated armor, 
I'm similar in view to my relative the greater one horned rhino,
 but my head is much smaller and skin folds much calmer.

I've been killed by trophy hunters since colonial times,
as an agricultural pest and for use in traditional medicine, my horn is with high price met.
Now extremely vulnerable facing extinction, by natural disasters, diseases and potential inbreeding,
but its the human impact of poaching that continues to remain, my ever present dying threat.

You have brought white, black and Indian rhinos back, from the brink of extinction,

the knowledge about how to save my species, is not thus beyond your comprehension.
Please help to lessen my plight and pull together with others, in this important fight, 
work as a strong single voiced community, towards achieving sustained global conservation.

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