Friday, 28 February 2014

Stop To Look

 (Poem Narration)
I’m rooted, deep into the ground,
My canopy grows, wide and proud.
Majestic, tall, strong and powerful,
Life giving, food and seeds bountiful.
The varieties of me, you’ll find are myriad,
I was even around, in the time of the Iliad.
My rings show my age, so from that you can date me,
My grain can be beautiful, invoking a sense of warmth in thee.
You find me in forests, woods and lining a street,
My leaves when they fall, always get under your feet.
I can be deciduous, and evergreen in my type,
But don’t eat my annual fruits, until they are ripe.
As rain forests, I provide lungs to the earth,
Man will soon regret, that I was cut down with mirth.
Vast areas have been cleared, to burning and logging,
It’s resulted in the ground, breaking and flooding.
You use me to build, shore up and to sit,
Climbing my limbs can even keep you fit.
You fashion from me, a many wondrous thing,
Polish me up enough, I can even bling!
So next time you take a look, around the place that you be,
Stop to look and notice, that which was made from me.

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